Grant’s Rants: ‘Power Is Derived from the People, and Our Rights Do Not Come from Government’

Vice President Kamala Harris participates in a meeting on her upcoming trip to Vietnam and Singapore in her ceremonial office in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Monday, August 9, 2021. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

Live from Music Row Tuesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Leahy welcomed official guest host Grant Henry in the studio for another edition of Grant’s Rants.


Listen, I hate to perpetuate the political duopoly, but if I were a Republican running for federal office right now, I would just walk up to the podium and play this clip.

(Kamala Harris clip plays)

But that is our task is to show people that in many ways they got what they ordered. Right? (Applause) They said this is what they wanted. They stood in line. They took time from work. It was difficult. And a lot of what they demanded they got. And so let’s get out there as we do, and remind them of that.


This is, of course, Vice President Kamala Harris. She told Democrats this exact thing two weeks ago at the party’s winter meeting. And she told them that their winning midterm message is to remind Democrats that they got what they voted for.

They got what they ordered. Vice President Harris, let me remind you of what they got. You got nearly $4 trillion worth of boondoggle spending packages resulting in the worst inflation in 40 years.

One of the most extensive devaluations of the dollar in my lifetime, and a veritable grab-bag of corporate welfare handouts. You got a litany of failed promises and a crippling inability to unify the country over anything, further exacerbating our volatile polarization.

You got the worst border crisis in U.S. history, without even a semblance of a workable solution. In fact, U.S. agents logged 153,000 migrant encounters in January. That’s double the number of encounters in the previous January and quadruple the number from the January before that.

You got a cancellation of Operation Legend, which deployed federal officers to aid local law enforcement in times of need. And you got this right after America suffered its worst, most violent year in a quarter-century.

You got a withdrawal from Afghanistan that was the most shameful foreign policy calamity in my lifetime, leaving as many as 620 of our Afghan allies behind enemy lines and losing the lives of 13 American heroes in the process.

Regarding our education system, you got a weaponized FBI intimidating parents who show up at school board meetings, arguably leading to the CRT craze going on nationwide.

And you also got a return to energy dependence by increasing burdens on America’s oil and natural gas industry and shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline while at the same time effectively green-lighting financing for Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

Worse still, this happened just a few years after Trump set up the U.S. to become an exporter of oil for the first time in 75 years. And lastly, you got an overwhelming dose of draconian federal overreach when the Biden administration attempted to force private employers with over 100 employees or more to enforce an authoritarian vaccine mandate, despite saying he “didn’t even think it was constitutional.”

And what do you know? Fast-forward a little while and the Supreme Court agreed and struck down his executive order. So, Kamala Harris, remind me again, what is it that they voted for? What did they get exactly?

I’m starting to think some of these voters are checking the return policy right now. And look, with that I say, Republicans hear me now. This could be the greatest midterm backlash we’ve seen in decades. But what are we going to do once we regain the majority?

Let me issue one charge to anyone running for federal office. Do not let us down. Make sure you fight to restore constitutional principles of checks and balances. Remember that the federal government is limited in its ability to influence our daily lives.

Remember what Mark Twain’s warning was, that no man’s life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session, and do as much as you possibly can to prove him wrong.

But perhaps most of all, remember that you work for us because the power is derived from the people, and our rights do not come from government.

Listen to the interview:


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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.





















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One Thought to “Grant’s Rants: ‘Power Is Derived from the People, and Our Rights Do Not Come from Government’”

  1. Dr Ken

    The main point of this article is lost on many. The power of government comes not for the elected rather from those who elect. It is long overdue to toss out those who represent a party, not their constituents, for those who represent an ideology rather than the will of the majority. Please, let’s throw these left leaning, self-serving politicos out of office. Be assertive, let your elected reps know they represent you, not Pelosi, not AOC, not Schummer, not Biden nor his handlers. It is time to put adults with common sense in Washington DC and throw out these shallow thinking Soros funded monkeys.
